UPDATE: Now I've tried to setup and run the system in Win2k and Linux. Hope it work there. The missionary there have proposed some things for me to involve, hope I can do what I can really done for them: ========================================================================= Aside from helping our UBTC Website and Library, is there any thing you wanted to be exposed and wanted to know about? Are you ready to preach a short message in our chapel? Or teach computer courses to our staff and students? Other concerns I have is to develop a ten-minute powerpoint presentation for our 10th year anniversary this year. Maybe a video/DVD production? Or you help me develop a picture gallery for UBTC's 10th year anniversary using digetal camera. Your coming is of great help to UBTC and the Christian community here. By the way, what is your present church ministry involvement? See you soon brother. ========================================================================== Besides, please pray for me that I can get the message from Lord about my long term vision of how to serve. Other than focus of tasks, I can interacte more with people so that I can really supporting people rather than finishing tasks. And please also pray for me that I can grow in Christ in this trip. OLD copy 六百年前,忽必烈大汗對馬可波羅說:「我國中的基督徒,多半是貧苦無知的 人,如果你能帶我致羅馬教皇的書信回歐洲,而教皇又派遣一百個熟悉基督教律和 通曉七藝的人來華,並從耶路撒冷取來耶穌聖墓上的燈油,我就立基督教為國 教。」(ref: http://nico.org.cn/?mod=node/68 google
)。可惜,最後他家鄉沒有人相信他,最後他再沒有踏 足中國,最後,忽必烈帶領了蒙古的人民信了喇嘛教。 今天,經過了共產政權的洗禮,對蒙古人民可能是一個「根除、拆毀、推 翻、重 建和種植」的機會。在剛開放的時候,全國只有四個基督徒。今日,已經有3150間 教會,人數1萬至1.5萬間。可是舊有的傳統仍然影響他們,喇嘛教仍然是主要的宗 教,而他們正努力爭取往日的榮耀;道德的低落亦造成很多孤兒問題。最後,政府 雖然容許宗教自由,可是並不歡迎專職宣教士的入境。 在這個機遇與困難並存的情況下,宣教團體以專業服務和教學的形式,服 侍當地 的人民。而小弟會在四月十八至五一日往蒙古短宣,目的是幫助當地一所聖經學校 set up一圖書館系統;並體驗神在當地的工作。其實,當初我的目的地並不是蒙 古,是經SIM提議後才選擇蒙古,後來得知原來當地的宣教士已為他們的圖書館系 統禱告了數月,我想當中是有神的帶領吧! 固今次的短宣,目的比以往的明確,而所做的工作亦是自己熟悉的。可 是,亦是 這個原因,心情比較鬆散。可能是撒但的試探。另外,亦要面對很多未知的環境, 也擔心到當地衛生和天氣的問題,都希望大家能為我代禱。最後,小弟從來未接觸 圖書館系統,亦求神保守當中的預備過程。 此刻,我已經搜尋了一免費的圖書館管理軟件,希望適合當地需要吧!