Discussion about using monday as prize - http://cn.wsj.com/big5/20121228/inv072631.asp?source=rss bullying - http://list25.com/25-disturbing-facts-about-bullying-you-probably-didnt-know/ Learn how to learn. Creativity, on-the-fly learning, and critical thinking skills are going to be what matters. Your grandchildren may live in a world without work, but you won't; instead you will live in a world that is rapidly changing. Whatever you choose to do, learning to code will be a very valuable skill, even if you don't do it for a living, because knowing the basic logic of machines will be critical in thriving in our society as it adapts to the ever-growing powers of machines. - https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/12/18/dont-trust-ai-until-we-build-systems-that-earn-trust 兒童期望的是大人了解自己的步調,明白自己的需求,認識真正的自己。 - https://dq.yam.com/post/14822 Gardening can help children grow life skills as well as fruits and flowers. Here are some ideas to get started. - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/article/gardening-is-good-for-kidsand-not-just-because-of-the-veggies Participating in crowd-sourced science projects isn’t just a learning experience—it can empower children to protect the planet. - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/article/how-to-raise-a-volunteer-scientist Kids Are Learning, Even When They're Not Paying Attention - https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20230802/kids-are-learning-even-when-theyre-not-paying-attention Young kids do better in school if their dads spend time with them - https://www.zmescience.com/science/young-kids-do-better-in-school-if-their-dads-spend-time-with-them/