Quotations on simplicity in software design - "Every bug fix is also a bug risk." -- Graham Hamilton Computer Programming: Every problem can be solved by breaking it up into a series of smaller problems. The computer will always do exactly what you tell it to. Software Engineering: Writing the code is the easy part. Writing it so someone else can understand it later is the important part. Make it work, then make it elegant, then make it fast. A lot of quotation - Customers aren't disappointed when you don't meet your commitments; they're disappointed when it means they can't meet theirs. - If something is painful to do but you know you will have to do it eventually, then practice doing it so that when you do have to do it, you can do it well. - === The worst situation I've experienced was when sales promised a delivery date before I was even hired to work on it. (To be fair, there was one guy, who started on it then quit.) The project involved fairly extensive modifications to a nightmare legacy code base. That was a fun job: "Welcome aboard, here's the source code, nobody knows how it works, the customer's been waiting a year for these modifications *and* you've got another project that depends on this one, how long will it take?" Needless to say, nobody wanted to hear the right answer. === Voltaire said: Common sense is not so common. # Silver bullets are expensive, especially considering... # There are no vampires.Sometimes, in IT today, it appears that common sense is masked by common practice, making it seem counter-intuitive. # Silver bullets are expensive, especially considering... # There are no vampires. - In God we trust, everything else we test. - Tools and machines are great, but in the end, it is the people who matter. Putting together an effective automated test team requires lots of planning and skills. - Source: Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation, Dorothy Graham and Mark Fewster editors, Addison-Wesley