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Fri Jun 16 16:00:00 GMT 2000
// Genetic Algorithm Java classes // // Copyright 1996, Mark Watson. All rights reserved. import java.util.*; abstract public class Genetic { protected int numGenesPerChromosome; // number of genes per chromosome protected int numChromosomes; // number of chromosomes private BitSet chromosomes[]; protected float fitness[]; private float crossoverFraction; private float mutationFraction; private int [] rouletteWheel; private int rouletteWheelSize; public Genetic(int num_genes_per_chromosome, int num_chromosomes) { this(num_genes_per_chromosome, num_chromosomes, 0.8f, 0.01f); } public Genetic(int num_genes_per_chromosome, int num_chromosomes, float crossover_fraction, float mutation_fraction) { numGenesPerChromosome = num_genes_per_chromosome; numChromosomes = num_chromosomes; crossoverFraction = crossover_fraction; mutationFraction = mutation_fraction; chromosomes = new BitSet[num_chromosomes]; for (int i=0; i<num_chromosomes; i++) { chromosomes[i] = new BitSet(num_genes_per_chromosome); for (int j=0; j<num_genes_per_chromosome; j++) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) chromosomes[i].set(j); } } fitness = new float[num_chromosomes]; for (int f=0; f<num_chromosomes; f++) { fitness[f] = -999; } sort(); // define the roulette wheel: rouletteWheelSize = 0; for (int i=0; i<numGenesPerChromosome; i++) { rouletteWheelSize += i + 1; } System.out.println("count of slots in roulette wheel=" + rouletteWheelSize); rouletteWheel = new int[rouletteWheelSize]; int num_trials = numGenesPerChromosome; int index = 0; for (int i=0; i<numGenesPerChromosome; i++) { for (int j=0; j<num_trials; j++) { rouletteWheel[index++] = i; } num_trials--; } } public boolean getGene(int chromosome, int gene) { return chromosomes[chromosome].get(gene); } public void setGene(int chromosome, int gene, int value) { if (value == 0) chromosomes[chromosome].clear(gene); else chromosomes[chromosome].set(gene); } public void setGene(int chromosome, int gene, boolean value) { if (value) chromosomes[chromosome].set(gene); else chromosomes[chromosome].clear(gene); } public void sort() { BitSet btemp; for (int c=0; c<numChromosomes; c++) { for (int d=(numChromosomes - 2); d>=c; d--) { if (fitness[d] < fitness[d+1]) { btemp = chromosomes[d]; float x = fitness[d]; chromosomes[d] = chromosomes[d+1]; fitness[d] = fitness[d+1]; chromosomes[d+1] = btemp; fitness[d+1] = x; } } } } public void evolve() { calcFitness(); sort(); doCrossovers(); doMutations(); doRemoveDuplicates(); } public void doCrossovers() { int num = (int)(numChromosomes * crossoverFraction); for (int i=num-1; i>=0; i--) { int c1 = (int)(rouletteWheelSize * Math.random() * 0.9999f); int c2 = (int)(rouletteWheelSize * Math.random() * 0.9999f); c1 = rouletteWheel[c1]; c2 = rouletteWheel[c2]; if (c1 != c2) { int locus = 1 + (int)((numGenesPerChromosome - 2) * Math.random()); for (int g=0; g<numGenesPerChromosome; g++) { if (g < locus) { setGene(i, g, getGene(c1, g)); } else { setGene(i, g, getGene(c2, g)); } } } } } // 'to' and 'from' are 'sorted' indices: private void copyGene(int to, int from) { for (int i=0; i<numGenesPerChromosome; i++) if (getGene(from, i)) setGene(to, i, 1); else setGene(to, i, 0); } public void doMutations() { int num = (int)(numChromosomes * mutationFraction); for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { int c = (int)(numChromosomes * Math.random() * 0.99); int g = (int)(numGenesPerChromosome * Math.random() * 0.99); setGene(c, g, !getGene(c, g)); } } public void doRemoveDuplicates() { for (int i=numChromosomes - 1; i>3; i--) { for (int j=0; j<i; j++) { if (chromosomes[i].equals(chromosomes[j])) { int g = (int)(numGenesPerChromosome * Math.random() * 0.99); setGene(i, g, !getGene(i, g)); break; } } } } // Override the following function in sub-classes: abstract public void calcFitness() ; }
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